CPEC: Pakistan’s Newest Holy Cow Could Also Become Its Millstone

“If you criticise the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor in Pakistan, they’ll slap sedition charges on you”.

The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is not a living being, yet it has also gained the status of being one. (Photo: Lijumol Joseph/ <b>The Quint</b>)
The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is not a living being, yet it has also gained the status of being one. (Photo: Lijumol Joseph/ The Quint)


Pakistan faces many serious problems – and among them is the status and invulnerability of holy cows, and people who are above Pakistani laws.

The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is not a living being, yet it has also gained the status of being one – and people are warned of serious consequences if they dare to oppose or criticise this new holy cow.

People are accused of being "anti-Pakistan" and "agents" of foreign powers because they dared to criticise holy cows – and some are facing sedition charges for attacking the CPEC and demanding a share in the accruing benefits.

I am also among the "bad guys" who are perceived as "disrespectful" critics of this holy cow. I am among those who demand a fair share in the benefits because it runs without permission through our land, Gilgit-Baltistan, which is part of the former princely state of Jammu and Kashmir.

Pakistani officials, some Pakistani people and Kashmiri foot soldiers of Pakistan may not like what I write or say. In my opinion, the CPEC could have the following negative effects on Gilgit-Baltistan:

  • The status of the Jammu and Kashmir dispute and Gilgit-Baltistan can change because of the CPEC
  • A serious danger of demographic changes; already hundreds of thousands of non-local people reside there and control local economy and politics
  • Exploitation of our resources will increase
  • Growing influence and power of secret agencies of Pakistan and competing interests of secret agencies of other countries
  • Stationing of foreign troops to protect the CPEC route
  • Possible stationing of non-state actors of countries or groups who want to sabotage the project
  • A serious danger that Gilgit-Baltistan could become a battleground for competing interests of countries and their proxies

Will the CPEC Be Pakistan's Waterloo?

The Chinese are very cruel businessmen – they will fully exploit Pakistan just like Pakistan is exploiting resources of Pakistan-occupied Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan. What one fears is that despite much hype and attraction, the CPEC will prove to be a white elephant for Pakistan and it could prove to be Pakistan's Waterloo.

Because of poor economic performance and rampant corruption, Pakistan has difficulty in paying back loans obtained at very low interest rates.

One wonders how Pakistan is going to pay back the loan incurred on the CPEC with very high interest rates. People need to be told that more than $35 billion has been taken as loan at very high interest rates for this ambitious project.

Anyone who criticises the CPEC or demands a rightful share is portrayed as an "agent of enemy" and "anti-Pakistan" and that forces thinking people to remain quiet on the topic.

However, some genuinely believe that this economic project could be a "game-changer" – but they are not sure in whose favour it may change the game.

May be keeping the above in mind, Mirwaiz Umer Farooq, a Kashmiri religious and political leader, while speaking on the CPEC said:

It is an opportunity for Jammu and Kashmir also to be part of the old Silk Route, once again. We can be part of the CPEC, even before the resolution of Kashmir issue and become part of the Central Asian discourse rather than a South Asian discourse. Kashmir can become a gateway for India as well.

“People Aren’t Fools”

People may remain quiet but they aren’t fools. If the CPEC is being called the 'China Punjab Economic Corridor', it is because of the feeling of exploitation and unfair treatment.

According to a report in Pamir Times, the people of Gilgit-Baltistan have been denied compensation for land acquired for the CPEC. The people of Gojal Valley have protested and have demanded payment and action against NHA officials. It is pertinent to note that, so far, not a single penny has been paid to the land owners in Gojal Valley.

It is also pertinent to mention that the Pakistan government plans to establish 29 special economic zones along the CPEC route and, according to Sultan Rais, Chairman, Awami Action Committee of Gilgit-Baltistan: "CPEC will pass through 600 km area of Gilgit-Baltistan but it is unfortunate that they are not getting even a single industrial zone or any development project."

Chinese Navy in and Around Gwadar Port

Apart from economic aspects, the Gwadar port also has a great strategic and military significance.

Astonishingly, not much attention is given to this. Not much has been said about the deal under which eight submarines are to be supplied by China to Pakistan, which will surely elevate Pakistan's naval military strength.

Chinese military ships and submarines have already taken position in and around Gwadar.

It is claimed that the key to the success of the CPEC is stability in Balochistan; and to some extent peace and stability in Gilgit-Baltistan. Can there be peace when people are denied their fundamental rights, their natural resources are systematically plundered and, in some areas, F16s, Cobra helicopters and guns are in action?

Whether one likes it or not, the fact is that there is a credible presence of tens of thousands of Chinese military personnel on Pakistani soil and on Jammu and Kashmir territory controlled by Pakistan. Also the Chinese navy is playing an active part in and around Gwadar. Doesn't that undermine the sovereignty of Pakistan? Or is it acceptable because the Chinese are paying a good price for that?

Pakistan May Present Gwadar as a Rosy Picture, but It is Far From It

Apart from proxies of other countries, the role of banned terrorist organisations, including Taliban and Daesh (Islamic State), will also become evident because some of them are extremely angry with Pakistan, and may create problems for CPEC-related projects, in order to settle scores with the Pakistani state.

No matter how rosy a picture Pakistan presents of Gwadar, the bitter fact is that there are severe problems which need to be resolved before smooth sailing of the CPEC can be assured. There is, for instance, no drinking water and people are facing enormous problems in the province.

There is the real danger that after some time Gwadar may not be in Pakistan's control, as China will have complete control of the sea port. The Chinese will decide what to do and who should benefit from the facilities available at the Chinese-built port.

(This article has been published in a special arrangement with IANS. Shabir Choudhry is a political analyst, TV anchor and author based in London. The article is in special arrangement with South Asia Monitor)

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