Migraine: 5 Yoga Poses to Manage Migraine

Try these 5 yoga poses and reduce the migraine symptoms over time.

Shivangani Singh
<div class="paragraphs"><p>Know how to practice a few yoga poses to tackle migraine&nbsp;</p></div>

Know how to practice a few yoga poses to tackle migraine 

(Image: iStock)


Yoga can be the solution to most health complications because the health conditions are a result of poor lifestyle choices yoga is a lifestyle choice that can never go wrong.

According to Healthline, yoga helps lower blood pressure and manage slow heart rate, enabling the body to recover from stressful events, migraine being one of them.

Migraine is a common condition, affecting 15.3% of Americans who are 18 years or older. Migraine headaches are debilitating, and can be one of the leading causes of disability worldwide. Migraine headaches can begin affecting you in early adulthood.

In this article, we will look at yoga as a solution for migraine and we have brought together the five yoga asanas or poses that can help manage migraine symptoms.

How Does Yoga Help Manage Migraine? 

Yoga can help reduce the severity and frequency of migraine episodes.

Yoga can be practiced as a mind and body therapy that began in India long before people around the world practiced it.

Yoga includes poses, meditation, and breathing exercises. According to US NIH, yoga can also help reduce stress, anxiety, and depression.

Stress is a common trigger for migraine. Yoga helps loosen tight areas like the neck, head, and shoulders, which are the common stress holders. Thus yoga can help prevent frequent migraine episodes or improve a person’s symptoms over time.

1. Sukshma Vyayama

This yoga pose helps loosen and relax the neck, face, and head. It is a set of yoga practices that loosens the joints, removes energy blockages, has a purifying effect on the body, and helps boosts energy. Here are the steps to practice it:

  • Move the first, middle, and ring finger from the jawline to the chin. Gently massage the cheeks and let the mouth remain open. Now focus on slowly kneading out the knots.

  • Open and close the jaw 8 to 10 times. Then open the mouth and move the jaw from side to side 8 to 10 times.

  • Rotate the neck while you breathe in and then move the head back. While breathing out, touch the chin to the chest. You can repeat these 5 to 6 times.

  • Rotate the head clockwise and counterclockwise. Breathe in as your head goes up and breathe out as your head returns to the starting position. Repeat the move 5 to 6 times clockwise, then again counterclockwise.


2. Cycling Yoga Pose

This pose helps reduce back pain, abdominal pain, and any spine-related problem. Spine-related problems can lead to headaches which can be diagnosed as migraines. Try this pose in the following way:

Lay down flat on the back with your legs straight and together. Place your arms at the sides with palms facing down. Your head, neck, and spine should align.

  • Slowly raise the right leg and bend the knee, then bring it closer to the chest in such a way that the thigh touches the chest.

  • Then raise and straighten the right leg completely in this position, and lower the right leg forward. Breathe in while raising the leg.

  • Bend your knee in this forward position to complete a cycling movement when the knee comes back to the chest. Breathe out while drawing the knee towards the chest.

  • Make sure that the heel of the right leg does not touch the floor while performing this pose.

  • Repeat this pose 10 times in a forward direction and 10 times in a backward direction.

  • Do the same for the left leg.

3. Hand Stretch Breathing

Stand straight with your feet together and let your hands relax at the side of the body.

  1. Place the hands in front of the chest, interlace the fingers and place the palms on the chest.

  2. Let your shoulders relax.

  3. Then stretch the arms straight out in the front, keeping the fingers interlaced. Breathe in and ensure the hands are at shoulder level.

  4. Twist the hands such that the palms face outwards.

  5. Do not strain your arms, but stretch them.

  6. While you breathe out, reverse the movement and return the palms to the chest.

  7. Let your shoulders relax and repeat the same steps for 5 times.

4. Shashankasana or Rabbit Pose

  • Sit on the floor and stretch out your legs while keeping the spine straight.

  • Bend the right leg at the knee and bring it gently backward until the right buttock is on the right foot.

  • Repeat the same with the left leg.

  • Adjust the position such that you are comfortable and rest the palms on the thighs.

  • Breathe in and raise your hands up and stretch.

  • Breathe out, bend forward and stretch out the arms and the palms on the ground.

  • Try touching the nose or chin to the ground.

  • Keep the arms stretched out in front.

  • Repeat it 5 to 10 times.

5. Prasarita Padottanasana

Prasarita Padottanasana, also known as the wide-legged forward bend pose helps freshen up your brain with oxygenated blood. This asana has proved to be one of the best asanas get rid of a migraine and it can be practiced even by those with neck issues and who cannot do headstands.

  • Stand straight with your hands stretched to your side and your feet apart.

  • Your feet should be directly under the same side wrist.

  • Bring your hands in front and try bend forward until your head touches the floor.

  • Place your palms on the floor and hold this position for a couple of minutes. Then slowly return to the original position.

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